Thursday, April 8, 2010

The 3D Mt Traning Program

The training aspect of the 3DMT approach is different from most other forms of training popular today. The biggest differences are in the implementation of the exercises and the scheme by which exercise sessions are conducted.

In most training and rehabilitation facilities medical and training professionals typically match various exercises to patients and athletes based upon a stated goal. As some of you know this doesn’t always work. The 3DMT approach goes one level higher considering the functional ability of the client or athlete when prescribing exercise programs. Because we do this, our outcome success rate is very high.

3DMT also takes a different approach in it’s exercise sessions. It is very difficult to know exactly how long or how many days, weeks, months will be necessary so instead of offering one on one training or appointments, we offer training on a monthly basis without limitations.

Ever have trouble getting an appointment with a therapist or trainer? Ever run out of time right in the middle of your program? We accommodate you whenever you want to come for as long as your program takes.

3D Motion Tranning Approche Explained

Most of you are probably wondering, just what is this 3D and motion training thing? The short answer is 3DMT is an approach to health and performance. It includes two parts, evaluation and training.

First, the 3D in 3DMT represents the 3-dimensional nature of our evaluations. We use a high tech 3D motion analysis system to evaluate how your body moves. We use the Ariel Performance Analysis System (APAS) which until now has been limited to specific applications in academic research and University Hospitals focusing on extreme musculo-skeletal conditions. APAS type 3D analysis systems are the best way to capture and analyze human movement, and what we call functional ability. 3DMT allows you access to this same cutting edge technology at very affordable prices.

The second component of the 3DMT approach is training. Once we evaluate the way you move and identify strength, flexibility, or coordination deficits it is then necessary to train your body to move more efficiently. This is done by re-educating the neuromuscular system to operate more efficiently. There is no pill or quick fix, your neuromuscular system learns by doing and therefore requires your active participation in a consistent manner.

3D Motion Training has been very successful and includes indirect benefits like the confidence, understanding and ability to put you back in control of your own health or performance. Since you do all the work you get all the credit and satisfaction for your improvement!

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