Sunday, March 21, 2010

RealD uses 3D Animated Holograms for Promotional Display during CES 2010 Trade Show

Holographic 3D Glasses - RealD Trade show stand Global leader in 3D projection technology for cinema and home, RealD, commissioned RabbitHoles Media to create a branded promotional display for use during CES 2010. The portable display features a giant replica of their trademark 3D glasses atop a glowing blue & white prism; the lenses of the giant 3D glasses are RabbitHoles 3D animated holograms that reveal an interactive holographic scene from RealD’s branding trailer, complete with 3D robot dog at play with RealD’s animating logo in a serene 3D environment. The display will be revealed at the 3D Film Festival (3DFF) special event at Planet Hollywood opening night of the CES 2010 Trade Show in Las Vegas, NV.

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