Tuesday, March 30, 2010

3D motion tracking

Effective use of motion tracking can transform your live-action footage. Motion graphics pro JJ Johnstone reveals how to use motion tracking when undertaking complex 3D compositing in After Effects and Cinema 4D

Motion tracking, or match-moving, is the term used to describe the simulation of live-action camera moves and perspective inside compositing software such as After Effects, Combustion, Shake or Flame for 2D, and Boujou, PF Track, SynthEyes or Matchmover for 3D. It’s commonly used to apply special effects to feature films and commercials, but it’s becoming more common within type and character animation in motion graphics.


Discover the Meaning of Motion

ImarisTrack is the most powerful commercially available tracking program that rises to the challenge of monitoring temporal changes in biological systems (2D and 3D images over time). Based on a choice of multiple sophisticated automatic tracking algorithms, the ability to manually edit and correct tracks if needed, and the ability to work on extremely large and complex data sets, ImarisTrack allows researchers to answer even the most demanding live-cell imaging questions.

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